Happy Valley Wikia

Alison Garrs is introduced as the mother of Daryl Garrs. Not wanting to see her son go to prison for murder, she shoots him in the back of the head and is consequently arrested on suspicion of murder. She is later charged and imprisoned.

A few years later, she is released on license. Sgt. Catherine Cawood sees Alison while conducting door-to-door enquiries and offers to help her move furniture into her new home. The two become friends, and Alison is incredibly supportive of Catherine as she battles with the discovery that her grandson Ryan is visiting Tommy Lee Royce in prison.

Series 2[]

Series 3[]

In series 3 of Happy Valley, Alison Garrs re-appears as Sergeant Catherine Cawood bumps into her while conducting a house-to-house after the death of a blind girl who died in a flat up in Elland, West Yorkshire.
